Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fearless at 40-ish!

I am fooooorty something and generally I don't have a hard time admitting my age, but these last few days--oh my word!  I feel like I am aging in dog years! 

First, I noticed a lot (A LOT!) of gray hairs. . .then I noticed, my hair just doesn't seem to have the same texture. Then I noticed it seems a
bit. . .UGH! . . .thinner!  I was surprised to learn that YES, our hair gets brittle, and thinner and grayer with age. . .where is the good news here?! Exactly. So I ran out and spent $20 bucks on shampoo for aging hair.  Now I am feeling old and silly. 

I won’t go into all the details, but lets just say there was a lot more money involved with moisturizers, empty promises,  and the end result. . . I am feeling older, wrinkle-er and that I need to lose 10 pounds! Urgh. 

Then my Mom called and dropped the C-bomb shell.  My step father has pancreatic cancer.  Without coming right out and saying it, she said “I can’t do this again—I did this already with your Dad.”  I knew what she meant, because at that moment, I was feeling the same way—I couldn't do it again with her. And how was I going to take care of her from 1500 miles away?

Getting older is not for wimps.  Not only because of the changes in your appearance (which certainly can have an impact on your psyche if you don’t keep focused);  but also your own health and wellness and that of your loved ones.   

I am almost 20 years older than some of the parents of my daughter's friends! They're just hitting their
30’s. I can’t remember my 30’s!  They are thinking about more kids.  I am thinking about retirement!  My mother is in her 70’s. . .their great grandmother is younger!

Life is a gift.  Christ never promised us a certain number of years or that it would be easy. . .but he did promise the Father would provide for what we needed.  He also imparted some of the most beautiful words I have ever read. . . “My peace I leave you. My peace I give you. A peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”  John 14: 27-31  He could have also added, "Just breathe Landry!" 

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