Thursday, June 28, 2012

Really, right now?!

Certainly in the angels line-up!

 “Where is God?” Wow, what a big question for a little kid and one I was not prepared to answer so early in the morning (not that I would have been any better equipped later in the day)!  What made it even harder was my mother had just asked me the same question and I was no closer on getting the answer right for her either.  But did either my mom or my four year old really want an answer?  After having a few days to think about it, I am not so sure.

Here is what I am pretty certain of:  Lulu, as brilliant as I think she is was not trying to get into a philosophical discussion.  She just physically wanted to know where God was located—just in case!  "Does he have a house on Bayshore? Or is he like Santa and we can only see him one time a year down in Hyde Park?"  You know, more logistical in nature, but by no means more simple for me to answer. 

My mom on the other hand wants to know the physical, the actual, the spiritual. . .everything! She feels abandoned, forgotten and utterly ditched by the Heavenly Father. How do you tell someone who is going to lose one more person they love to cancer that it really is going to be okay and to just TRUST?  Everything I can come up with sounds rehersed and like a terrible motivational poster!

I have the two most important “girls” in my life depending on me to say something  (because I always have something to say!) and I’ve got nothin’! Maybe that is what is needed right now?  Just silence so they can have their turn to speak.

I am learning as a mom maybe you don’t need to have all the answers. Maybe the greatest gift is just to know when to be silent?  Today, I pray  for the grace of patience and the knowledge to know when to keep my lips zipped! That seems like enough for one day. 

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